Dominican Residence for Retirees and Rentists

Residence by investment in Dominican Republic, or special residence for pensioners or rentiers of foreign source income, constitutes a legal privilege that exempts its beneficiary from the procedure of previously applying for a temporary residence in the Dominican Republic. This implies a series of administrative facilities for the requester, such as a more expedite process […]

Registration of Wills in Dominican Republic

A Register of Wills to protect the interests of parties involved in a will made in Dominican Republic was created under Notary Law 140-15. As a result, all notaries that provide notarization services for the preparation of a will must register an extract of such will, before the corresponding judicial authority, within a period of […]

Corporate Maintenance Services

Dominican corporate maintenance services to meet legal requirements is essential for every registered company in Dominican Republic. Companies must file for their business register within the following month after their incorporation, and the same should be renewed every two years. On the other hand, changes of domicile or other which may give rise to a […]

Corporate Maintenance Services

Dominican corporate maintenance services to meet legal requirements is essential for every registered company in Dominican Republic. Companies must file for their business register within the following month after their incorporation, and the same should be renewed every two years. On the other hand, changes of domicile or other which may give rise to a […]

Dominican Trusts Law

Dominican Republic Trusts Law for the Development of the Mortgage Market and of Trusts in the Dominican Republic creating a legal framework for promoting the development of the mortgage and securities market and incorporates the legal institution of the trust (“fideicomiso”) in the Dominican Republic was enacted on July 16th of 2011. Trusts Law 189-11 […]

Dominican Trusts Law

Dominican Republic Trusts Law for the Development of the Mortgage Market and of Trusts in the Dominican Republic creating a legal framework for promoting the development of the mortgage and securities market and incorporates the legal institution of the trust (“fideicomiso”) in the Dominican Republic was enacted on July 16th of 2011. Trusts Law 189-11 […]

Dominican Tax Havens List

The List of Countries or territories regarded as Low Tax Jurisdictions and Tax Havens was published on May 20, 2013 by the Dominican Tax Administration (DGII), pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 of the General Regulation 4-2011 of Transfer Pricing, are the following: Andorra Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Antilles Aruba Bahamas Barbados Bahrain Belgium […]

Tax Regime of Trusts in Dominican Republic

Tax Regime of Trusts in Dominican Republic was issued under Tax Authority Ruling 02-12 with the purpose of establishing the regulations and procedures to be complied with by trusts and the parties thereto involved, with respect to their tax duties and obligations. Pursuant to the provisions set forth under Law No.189-11 for the Development of […]