Incidence of AML Laws in Cross-Border Real Estate Transactions in Dominican Republic

Incidence of AML Laws in Cross-Border Real Estate Transactions in Dominican Republic[1][2] The conveyance or transmission of rights over real property in the Dominican Republic (DR) is governed by freedom of contract principles, coupled with the requirement of a notarized written document to satisfy statute of frauds considerations and a series of property transfer and […]

Dominican Construction Permits Single Window Decree 259-18

The Single Window of Building Construction Permits in the Dominican Republic was created under Decree 259-18 of July 11, 2018 for the purpose of making more efficient some government procedures and optimizing the country’s institutional regulatory scheme. The Ministry of Public Works and Communications of the Dominican Republic is the institution responsible for creating the […]

AC Law partner featured in ABA Real Estate Publication

Felipe Castillo, partner in Arthur & Castillo has been featured in the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law publication “The Year in Review” 2017 for Cross Border Dominican Republic Real Estate Practice. The publication consists of an annual survey of international legal developments in different areas of international and national law and includes the […]

Purchasing Dominican Government Real Estate

On September 27, 2016, the Dominican Republic (DR) Executive Branch issued Decree No. 268-16 creating the Evaluation Commission of Real State Lands Registered as Owned by the Sugar Mills belonging to the Dominican State Sugar Council or Consejo Estatal del Azucar (CEA). The Decree recognizes the DR’s economic transformation, where Government lands originally dedicated to […]

Buying Dominican Property: Avoiding Pitfalls

Buying Dominican property can sometimes turn up situations where avoiding conflicts of interests will help you avoid purchase pitfalls. Many foreigners who come to the Dominican Republic, for either business or pleasure, discover the many different environments found within a short drive: major internationally-linked cities, scenic tropical country sides, serene mountain ranges, and pristine white […]

Dominican Real Estate Purchase Closing

On the day of Dominican Real Estate Purchase Closing the seller may be asked to furnish the buyer in addition to the original certificate of title (owner’s duplicate) a series of legal documents which are most commonly gathered, requested and obtained by the seller’s attorney. Among these documents is the certification issued by the title […]

Dominican Real Estate Purchase Closing

On the day of Dominican Real Estate Purchase Closing the seller may be asked to furnish the buyer in addition to the original certificate of title (owner’s duplicate) a series of legal documents which are most commonly gathered, requested and obtained by the seller’s attorney. Among these documents is the certification issued by the title […]

DR Taxation of Property Transactions

Dominican Republic real estate property purchase or sale should be made through a written contract in which the parties reflect their agreement about the identity of the property being sold, the sales price and the terms and conditions of the sale. It is recommended that the seller and the buyer obtain advisory from an attorney in […]

Dominican Real Estate Property Sale Release Tax Norm 08-2014

Dominican Real Estate Property Sale Tax Ruling 08-2014 of December 22, 2014, provides for the Release of Real Estate Property from the seller’s information registered at the Dominican Tax Administration’s registration system. Individuals and legal entities that sale a real estate property before or after the publication of said Tax Ruling must file a release […]