Intellectual Property

Arthur & Castillo can help you protect your Intellectual Property in the Dominican Republic.

We assist in the registration of your trademarks, protect your intellectual property rights, represent you through cease and desist efforts and commercial IP litigation and in administrative and legal processes like trademark oppositions and cancellations.

Our advisors provide legal representation on copyright of music, software, publications and literary works, patents and industrial designs and industrial utility models, internet domain names, intellectual property licensing, trade secret protection, intellectual property owner’s customs registration in Dominican Republic, IP collateralization and trademark management.

Trademark Registration

Arthur & Castillo assists national and international companies in most industries to protect their trademarks in the Dominican Republic.

We assist with Trademark registration, protect trademark rights, represent you through cease and desist efforts and trademark litigation in case of trademark infringement and in administrative and legal processes such as trademark oppositions and cancellations before the Dominican Industrial Property Office.

Our support includes advisory on trademark licensing, trademark customs registration in Dominican Republic, trademark collateralization, trademark portfolio management, brand management and enforcement.

Industrial Design Patents

Arthur & Castillo can help you protect your industrial designs or design patents in Dominican Republic and the aesthetic appearance of your products against competitors.

We represent clients in several industries, such as garments and footwear, electronics, medical devices, machinery, fixtures, appliances, sports and consumer products.

Our advisors assist in the registration of industrial designs and represent you through cease and desist efforts, industrial design litigation and in administrative and legal processes like imitation industrial design oppositions and cancellations.

Our support includes assisting with the registration of other protectable designs such as electronic icons, graphic design user interphases, patents and industrial utility models, as well as industrial design licensing.

Copyright Registration

Arthur & Castillo can help you protect your copyrights in Dominican Republic.

We work with publishing, media, educational institutions and software development sectors and represent clients before all levels of judicial courts and administrative tribunals.

We can assist you to register your copyrights, represent you through anti-piracy and enforcement efforts, copyrights litigation and administrative processes before the Dominican Copyrights Office.

Our support includes advisory on copyright of music, software, publications and literary works, copyright due diligence, copyright licensing, collateralization and management of copyright portfolios.

Commercial IP Litigation

Arthur & Castillo can help you defend your intellectual property in Dominican Republic.

We assist local and international companies in several industries with IP Law advisory, litigation opinions and IP disputes in all levels of the judicial courts and administrative tribunals.

Our attorneys represent in pursuing infringers and defending against IP infringement allegations, through cease and desist notices and in administrative and legal processes such as Intellectual Property and trademark registration oppositions and cancellations, as well as in highly technical and legal issues involving IP agreement breaches, misappropriation of trade secrets and confidential information.