DR Free Zones Minimum Wage

Industrial Free Trade Zone employees minimum wage was approved by Dominican Labor Ministry Resolution No.8-2013 of October 2013. The background of Resolution No.8-2013 comes from the agreement reached by the Employee Sector Representative (FENATRAZONA, FEDOTRAZONAS y UNATRAZONAS) and the Employer Sector (ADOZONA), through which they approved an increase to the minimum monthly wage for the […]

Energy & Mining Law 100-13

Dominican Republic Energy and Mining Ministry was created under Law 100-13 of 2013 as organ of the Public Administration dependent of the Executive Power, in charge of formulating and managing the energy and the metallic and non metallic Dominican mining policy. The Law establishes that the Ministry of Energy and Mining, in its capacity as […]

DR Foreign Investments

Foreign investments in the Dominican Republic, is regulated under Foreign investment Law 16-95 of November 20, 1995. The purpose of this law is to open foreign investment to most sectors of the Dominican Economy and to provide foreign investors with legal guarantees, benefits and exemptions while doing business in the Dominican Republic. Dominican Foreign Investment […]

DR Foreign Investments

Foreign investments in the Dominican Republic, is regulated under Foreign investment Law 16-95 of November 20, 1995. The purpose of this law is to open foreign investment to most sectors of the Dominican Economy and to provide foreign investors with legal guarantees, benefits and exemptions while doing business in the Dominican Republic. Dominican Foreign Investment […]

Dominican Customs Declaration

Dominican Customs Electronic Declarations are governed under Norm 01-12 of March 28, 2012, the Dominican Customs Administration (DGA) for the purpose that customs operators and other users transmit by electronic means the information related to the actions made in connection to their customs processes and operations. Pursuant to the Norm, the customs declaration constitutes the […]

DR Free Zones Sales Tax Filing and Payment

The filing and payment of sales tax by Dominican Free Zone Enterprises is regulated under Dominican Tax Administration (DGII) General Tax Norm 5-2011 of June 29th of 2011. Such Norm provides that all enterprises benefiting from the Dominican Free Zones regime through Free Zones Law 8-90 of January of 1990, shall submit a sworn statement […]

Dominican E- Commerce Law Customs Procedures

Resolution 025-11 of May 26th of 2011 approving the Norm for the Application of the Electronic Commerce Law 126-02 to Dominican Customs Procedures, establishes the following provisions: Scope. The Resolution 025-11 regulates the use of digital documents and data messages and the issuing in the customs procedures established un the Law in relation to the […]

Dominican Tax Exemptions

Dominican Republic Tax Exemptions Requests and Processing Decree 162-11 was issued on On March 15th, 2011. Decree 162-11 establishes, among others, the following: Previous processing of tax exemptions before the Ministry of Finance. All requests of exemptions supported under laws, concessions, contracts ratified by the Dominican Congress shall be submitted to the Minister of Finance […]

Dominican Tax Exemptions

Dominican Republic Tax Exemptions Requests and Processing Decree 162-11 was issued on On March 15th, 2011. Decree 162-11 establishes, among others, the following: Previous processing of tax exemptions before the Ministry of Finance. All requests of exemptions supported under laws, concessions, contracts ratified by the Dominican Congress shall be submitted to the Minister of Finance […]

Dominican Republic Customs Valuation

Dominican Republic Customs Valuation is governed by Decree 36-11 of January 20th of 2011 establishing the Regulation for Customs Valuation pursuant to the GATT 1994 Valuation Agreement, whose purpose is to develop the provisions of the Agreement relative to the application of Article VII of the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) of 1994, […]