DR Customs Intellectual Property Protection

Dominican Intellectual Property Law 20-00, and Law 426-06 for the implementation of the DR-CAFTA, establishes that if the owner of intellectual property rights suspects that an import of goods in violation of its rights is being prepared, it may request a court as a preventive measure to order customs to suspend such dispatch of goods […]

Dominican Customs Regimes

The Dominican Republic Customs Law allows for different customs regimes which may be applied to according to the desired commercial, export and trade operation, including most that we summarize as follows: Regime of Import for Consumption Article 53 of Law No. 3489, provides that the duties and taxes to be paid over the imported goods […]

DR Taxation and Tax Treaties

Dominican Taxation and Tax Treaties ratified by the Dominican Republic consist of the following: Income tax: The Dominican Government levies corporate income tax at the flat rate of 27% on profit after allowable tax deductions. The basis for determining taxable income is locally sourced income and foreign source income derived from investment and financial gains. […]

Dominican Customs Tax

The General Customs Administration has established the system for self- determination of the customs tax obligation. Through this system, the taxpayer of the customs tax obligation (importer, consignee, customs agent or broker) has the power to set, by itself, the quantity of the customs tax obligation. The above means that the taxpayer acknowledges the imported […]

International sale of goods in Dominican Republic

International sale of goods contracts in Dominican Republic and elsewhere are also called documentary sale transactions. The purpose of presenting the documentary transaction is to illustrate not only what is happening but also, why it is done in a particular manner. There are several factors to consider in an international sale of goods transaction. Below […]

DR to become Caribbean’s Air Hub

The Dominican Republic’s tourism industry and commercial aviation representatives agreed on August 10, 2016 to work to make the country the Caribbean’s major air hub. The proposal was discussed in a gathering hosted by the Dominican Tourism Press Association (Adompretur), where the president of the Civil Aviation Board (JAC)  promised to mediate to present the […]

Dominican industrial companies tax incentives

Dominican Industrial Qualification Certificates were awarded to 16 companies on May of 2015 by the Center for the Industrial Development and Competitiveness that will benefit from the provisions established under Law 392-07 of Industrial Development and Competitiveness; including tax and custom duties exemptions, in order to promote actions that shall endeavor the improvement in the […]

Dominican Imported Food and Drug Registration

The Dominican General Directorate of Pharmaceutical, Foods and Sanitary Health Products (“DIGEMAPS”) was created under Decree 82-2015 of April 6, 2015, under the dependency of the Dominican Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance. According to Article 2 of said Decree, DIGEMAPS is and will be, henceforth, the competent entity in matters of regulation, control, […]

DR Free Zone Exports Increase

Dominican Free Zone Exports increased in the first quarter of 2015 according to Dominican export trade data issued by the Dominican Republic Government, at a rate of 6.2%, which is the highest increase value since the year 2011. The USA market is the number one country for highest demand of Dominican free zone exports, as […]

Dominican Data Protection Law 172-13

Dominican Republic Data Protection Law 172-13, establishing the parameters and the procedures to use regarding Habeas Data included in Article 70 of the Dominican Republic Constitution was enacted on December 13, 2013. The background of this law recognizes that every person has the right to Access the data or information that is recorded from him/her […]