Imported Food Products Health Ministry Registration

Dominican Ministry of Health Permit Registration of packaged foods and beverages is required prior to their import, distribution and supply to the general public. The Dominican Ministry of Health controls the sanitary process of foods, alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages, beer, medicines, cosmetic products, personal hygiene and household cleaning products; including the importation, exportation, evaluation, […]

Dominican Regulation Improvement Decree 258-18

On July 11, 2018 the Dominican Republic Executive issued decrees 258-18, 259-18 and 260-18 for the purpose of making more efficient some government procedures and optimizing the country’s institutional regulatory scheme. Decree 258-18 begins the first stage of the National Regulatory Improvement Plan. Among the main objectives of Decree 258-18 of Regulatory Improvement is to […]

Dominican Regulation Improvement Decree 258-18

On July 11, 2018 the Dominican Republic Executive issued decrees 258-18, 259-18 and 260-18 for the purpose of making more efficient some government procedures and optimizing the country’s institutional regulatory scheme. Decree 258-18 begins the first stage of the National Regulatory Improvement Plan. Among the main objectives of Decree 258-18 of Regulatory Improvement is to […]

AC Law partner featured in ABA Real Estate Publication

Felipe Castillo, partner in Arthur & Castillo has been featured in the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law publication “The Year in Review” 2017 for Cross Border Dominican Republic Real Estate Practice. The publication consists of an annual survey of international legal developments in different areas of international and national law and includes the […]

Dominican Branch Registration

Dominican Branch may be registered by foreign companies interested in doing business in the Dominican Republic (DR). Under Dominican law, a registered foreign company branch office can enter into contracts and execute and settle transactions in its own name, and can sue and be sued at its place of business. In order to successfully complete […]

DR Customs Appeals and Recourses

Dominican Customs Law established that the Dominican Customs Administration is responsible for preventing illegal tax acts and to apply administrative sanctions, collect tax debt, whether voluntarily or by exercising its powers of tax fiscal enforcement, being able in that aspect, to re- liquidate and collect duties and taxes that for any concept are owed to […]

DR Free Zones Export Promotion

The system for the promotion of Dominican free zones establishes at least three categories of export free zones which offer opportunities for investors and exporters at the different levels of industrial processing, taking into account their location, number, qualification of job posts and the origin of the raw materials and of the products to be […]

DR and United States sign Punta Cana Airport customs agreement

Now it will be easier for travelers to use the Punta Cana’s International Airport bound for the United States. The Dominican and US customs authorities signed an air pre-authorization agreement for travelers using Punta Cana’s international airport to the United States on December second (2nd) of 2016, whereby they will be exempt from registering at […]

DR and United States sign Punta Cana Airport customs agreement

Now it will be easier for travelers to use the Punta Cana’s International Airport bound for the United States. The Dominican and US customs authorities signed an air pre-authorization agreement for travelers using Punta Cana’s international airport to the United States on December second (2nd) of 2016, whereby they will be exempt from registering at […]

DR Register of Foreign Services Providers

Foreign professional service providers must register and present their technical or professional qualifications as a guarantee, to be able to operate temporarily in the Dominican Republic. The creation of such register was decided by the Dominican Consumer Protection Institute (“Pro Consumidor”) Resolution 03-2011 of July 21st of 2011, pursuant to article 53 of the Dominican […]