DR Insolvency & Restructuring

On January 3th of 2017, The Judicial Branch Council (CPJ acronym in Spanish) of the Dominican Republic issued an Act which establishes the halls for the liquidation and restructuring courts for companies and individuals traders. The First Hall of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of First Instances of the National District and second Hall of […]

Dominican Branch Registration

Dominican Branch may be registered by foreign companies interested in doing business in the Dominican Republic (DR). Under Dominican law, a registered foreign company branch office can enter into contracts and execute and settle transactions in its own name, and can sue and be sued at its place of business. In order to successfully complete […]

Corporate Maintenance Services

Dominican corporate maintenance services to meet legal requirements is essential for every registered company in Dominican Republic. Companies must file for their business register within the following month after their incorporation, and the same should be renewed every two years. On the other hand, changes of domicile or other which may give rise to a […]

Corporate Maintenance Services

Dominican corporate maintenance services to meet legal requirements is essential for every registered company in Dominican Republic. Companies must file for their business register within the following month after their incorporation, and the same should be renewed every two years. On the other hand, changes of domicile or other which may give rise to a […]

Corporate Law Overview

Business entities performing commercial activities in the Dominican Republic are governed by Dominican Law 479-08 of Commercial Entities and Individual Limited Liability Enterprises, enacted on December of 2008 as well as by inter party agreements, commercial practices and common law. The Law will consider that there is a commercial entity whenever two or more individuals […]

Corporate Law Overview

Business entities performing commercial activities in the Dominican Republic are governed by Dominican Law 479-08 of Commercial Entities and Individual Limited Liability Enterprises, enacted on December of 2008 as well as by inter party agreements, commercial practices and common law. The Law will consider that there is a commercial entity whenever two or more individuals […]

DR Company Mergers and Spin Offs

Under Dominican Republic Law 479-08 of Commercial Entities and Individual Limited Liability Enterprises provides that one or more business entities may by way of merger transfer their assets to an existing entity or to a newly incorporated entity. In relation to Dominican Republic company spin offs, Dominican Law No. 479-08 states that business entities may […]

DR Limited Liability Company

The Dominican Limited Liability Company or Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S.R.L.) is the most common and efficient form of organizing a company in the Dominican Republic. The main characteristics of the Dominican Limited Liability Company are: The company must have at least two (2) partners. Each partner must have at least one share or quota. The […]

Dominican simplified corporation or SAS

The Dominican SAS or Simplified Corporation may be incorporated among two or more persons, who are only liable for the amount of their respective share contributions and which will have legal personality. To its corporate name the words “Sociedad Anónima Simplificada” or S.A.S. shall be included. The by-laws will establish the amount of the authorized […]

DR Company Management

Dominican Companies may be represented by one or more representatives, whether compensated or not, who do not have to be partners. The representatives may delegate part or all of their duties, if the by-laws so allow, but are liable to the company for the actions of the persons to whom they delegate those. The administrators […]